Liz Walton has over 20 years of experience in education and leadership. She has taught at all levels of education: elementary to graduate school. In addition to her teaching certifications, Liz has earned her School administrator certificates and received her doctorate in Executive Leadership.
More recently, Liz has become a certified facilitator of Wellness Circles.
My Story
I have always enjoyed teaching, whether it was my students, my adult faculty and staff, or my own children. Following my doctorate, it became my mission to discover a field of work that would allow me to continue serving as a teacher, while also fulfilling the needs of others. I reached back to my values and asked myself "What would you want someone to say about you when you are gone?" (That may seem a bit morose - but it was amazingly effective!) My answer came back with great clarity: she brought people joy and inspiration. And that was it. Joyspiration was born.