One of my biggest pet peeves tends to be a bad attitude. I am able to easily identify them in others, while I often neglect to evaluate my own. People who always seem negative, judgey, or quick to blame others quickly get under my skin and sour my own mood.
Gretchen Rubin talks about the "joyous ones" in her Happiness Project. During her account of November, she shares a reference from St. Augustine of Hippo that reads, "Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake". Ruben further discusses her understanding of this prayer and why the joyous might be included in a prayer for those who are struggling. It is a chapter worth reading and reflecting upon (I recommend the whole book as a project to help shift any attitude you are trying to improve).
People take strength from the joyous. The seek solace in them. It can be draining and exhausting for those who provide it. But the joyous are an absolute necessity to all of us. Think of the people in your life that bring you the most joy. What is it about them that is so soothing? When do you seek them out and for what? Now consider how you might be similar to them and where you differ. Are you one of the joyous ones?
Our minds are programmed to search for and seek out the negative. This is our default state. Therefore, it takes work to search for joy. But when you put in the work, you will find it. Even amidst the challenges, struggles and heartbreak that each and every one of us face.