Welcome to summer!
In the education world (and hopefully some other worlds as well) summer is an opportunity to rest, recover, and focus on ourselves a little more. Vacation time is used, we get outside more, we wear less clothing and we often take stock of our lives to varying degrees. It’s a great time to learn about real-world wellness.
I recently watched The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy where he traveled to a world-renowned wellness spa in Germany. He was made to fast and tried cryotherapy, walked through healing mud and took a hay bath. These may be useful wellness activities, but most of us can’t afford a journey to Germany to try it out. And - he didn’t seem to love it much.
Real-world wellness is much more subtle and attainable. Holistic real-world wellness is an opportunity to take stock of what you already know you need, assess it, and make incremental change to move yourself forward to a better, happier you.
Maybe you need to tune into your body more; to fit better into those summer clothes. Or you may want to just move more or take advantage of the seasonal berries and veggies available.
Maybe it’s your mindset that needs attention. You want to become a more positive thinker or learn something new.
Or maybe it’s your heart and you want to spend more time with those you love and refill your cup.
Maybe it’s spiritual and you need quiet time to reconnect with yourself and the larger picture.
Summer is a wonderful and natural opportunity to dip your toes into real-world wellness. It requires no travel at all, but it can travel with you anywhere you go.